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The Blue Whale is the largest animal on earth.
It is also the loudest - louder than a jet engine.
Its lifespan in the wild is 80-90 years.
It weighs up to 200 tons which equals 400,000 pounds. Wow!
It grows to be 82 - 105 feet long.

The tongue of a blue whale weighs as much as an elephant and that's how much krill they eat a day - approximately 8,000 pounds a day!
The heart of a blue whale weighs as much as a car.
Now, a SMALL blue whale weighs about 3 tons which is about 6,000 pounds and is approximately 25 feet long.
It drinks milk from its mother and gains 200 pounds a day for the first year of its life.
"A sweet and satisfying offering; an upbeat read-aloud for for young readers learning about friendship and feelings." - School Library Journal
A small blue whale sits in
silver sea, wishing, wanting, waiting for a friend. Waiting is hard, but he doesn't mind; he's sure a friend will be worth the wait.
This heartwarming tale about friendship - what it looks like, tastes like, feels, like, will have readers agreeing that a true friend is worth the wait.
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